Liberty Solutions looks ahead to new innovations and growing demands in health data management

Since 2002, Liberty Solutions has provided expert application and clinical transformation services for healthcare IT clients across the country. Company president Sam Violanti offered his views on what healthcare organizations can expect to see in the next several years as the demand for data and real time data analysis continues to grow.

Emerging Innovations will Require Optimization

Over the past few years, healthcare organizations in the United States have installed countless IT systems for data management and electronic records keeping. Now, the demand for data is growing as new technologies such as wireless and portable devices are used more and more in healthcare. A healthcare organization’s existing IT system must be able to integrate with emerging technologies to handle the increased data. Furthermore, the focus on population health – an approach to health care that aims to improve the health outcomes of an entire group or population of individuals – will push the demand for data and data analysis even further. In five years, there could even be patient implants that provide data for physicians and health care professionals.

“System optimization will be the key,” Violanti explained. “Healthcare organizations will need to make adjustments to optimize IT systems to handle workflow changes and such that result from all the data that needs to be managed.”

Setting Priorities for IT Investment

Healthcare organizations will need to embrace the emerging technologies, but with all the rapid changes, how do they prioritize their IT investments?

“Prioritization will start at the top, as healthcare leaders empower their team to deliver IT solutions across the system with a vision for the ultimate goal of healthier patients and populations,” Violanti said. “When Liberty Solutions works with clients in such situations, we help them prioritize and provide the services needed to drive the project to completion, efficiently and cost-effectively.”

Violanti noted that his consulting firm helps clients prioritize with a team of experts who have experience in laboratory, pharmacy, nursing and other healthcare settings, giving them a big picture understanding.

Engaging Consumers

As part of the data generation and data analysis equation, healthcare organizations will need to work on engaging consumers to use the new technologies such as patient portals, outpatient monitoring devices and other wireless systems.

“Technology fails when people do not think it’s valuable or don’t know how to use it,” Violanti pointed out. “The effort must be made to educate the consumer to make sure they understand how to use the technology and why it is important to helping them stay healthy.”

Liberty Solutions offers comprehensive training and education services to help healthcare organizations better engage with consumers and make patient technologies more useable.

Better Patient Health from Better Data Management

Improved clinical and financial outcomes will result from the healthcare organization optimizing its IT systems to handle the growing demand for data management.

“Before the challenge was implementing the system – now it is using it better

to collect data in different ways that ensure efficiency and accurate analytics,” Violanti concluded. “Better health comes from better data management.”